The painting titled "Flower Circle" was created in mid-February 2022. This period is associated with great changes and rebirth in my life. I love painting flowers. Flowers for me mean a special state of mind: they are beautiful, strong and bloom no matter what. I can clearly associate people with flowers, so often flowers can be attributed to people in my artworks.
The title of the artwork refers to cyclicity. The main idea is that the circle is our life, and the flowers are the positive moments in it. No matter how many negative moments there are in our life, the positive will definitely come. The circle also refers to the moon. Night is the best time for creativity, so I have a special relationship with the moon and I also often refer to it in my paintings.
About the technique: this artwork is written in the post-graffiti technique with abstract and figurative elements. Throughout my creative career, I am constantly in search of new visual images, improving and changing the style of writing. All my life I have been depicting words, letters, phrases, mixing them with images, abstraction, photography and other visual tools, where the result is a completely unique creative product.
The word "Alone" is depicted in the center of the artwork, through which flowers break through as if through concrete.